Barry T.

By jeff / February 4, 2019

Our experience with PRO Insurance has been great. They sent me a letter outlining the recent changes in health insurance, they proactively searched around for better pricing for the same coverage. They have been very responsive and very easy to work with.

Shirley A.

By jeff / January 10, 2019

My husband and I have been self employed for the past few years and were shocked to see what we have had to pay for family medical benefits through a company that claims to be for the “self-employed”. __________________ I was so excited to hear that PRO Insurance was going to be offering benefits to […]

Lisa N.

By jeff /

“This year, my husband and I received very unexpected news—his position with his employer was being eliminated. We knew we could live below our means, but our biggest concern was health insurance coverage. Because of my position as an Independent Sales Director with Mary Kay, Inc., I knew that insurance through PRO Insurance Managers could […]

Pamela Waldrop S.

By RedSky Insurance / December 3, 2018

Executive National Sales Director   After several years of thinking I had more insurance than MOST and that “I just didn’t need additional coverage”, a colleague of mine found herself in a situation that without proper insurance, could have financially depleted, or even ruined her. Immediately I researched what type of policies might best suit […]

Linda T.

By RedSky Insurance /

Later on I will be able to fully disclose to you the details of a lawsuit I find myself. It was a simple mistake made in my office regarding a photo that was used in an internet image I posted on my website promoting an event. The lawsuit involves copyright infringement. I cannot stress to […]